Pioneer Toys (1-6)

No cars? No computers? No video games? What’s a Pioneer kid to do?!?!  In this workshop, students learn about resourcefulness and perseverance as they build simple toys they might have encountered on the Oregon Trail.

“A wonderful experience! It was a great way to extend our learning about pioneer life and gain some first-hand knowledge of what pioneer children might have experienced.” -Ann Lantis, 3rd/4th grade teacher

“An accurate and entertaining look at historic toys of the pioneer era. Children and their families sat in rapt attention as Rick translated for them, in contemporary terms, the play-life of children of pioneer times. Rick is an enthusiastic and engaging performer and educator.”
-Susan Rohrer, Education Curator, Washington State Capital Museum

Length: 60-90 minutes.
Group Size: 15-150 students.
Students need: “Pioneer Toys” Toymaker Kits, colored markers, scissors